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參觀淡水 & 八里 Visit Tamsui & Bali


[中文] 淡水老街有許多童趣遊戲,還有齊柏林空間以及紅毛城古蹟等景點。我們可以陪您的孩子到淡水玩,並帶他們搭渡輪到八里租腳踏車,沿著八里左岸騎乘兜風,參觀挖仔尾生態園區,還可至十三行公園玩耍。 ——————費用—————— 服務費依時間長度 & 孩子人數而定 (建議至少4小時) + 孩子及陪玩老師的活動支出 (如: 單趟渡輪:孩子20元,老師40元、腳踏車租借: [70~400]元。 —————————————— *體驗活動的費用不是由我們決定,我們只是根據它們的網站資訊提供估算。 [English] Tamsui Old Street has many shops of traditional games for children, and also special sites like Chi Po- lin Space and Fort San Domingo, etc. We can bring your children to visit Tamsui old street and take a ferry to Bali, rent bikes and have a ride along the Bali left bank park, visiting Wazihwei Nature Reserve and play at Shihsanhang Cultural Park. ——————PRICE—————— Our service fee depending on the duration & number of kids (we advice at least 4h of service) + other expenses from the activity (ex: ferry tickets: NT$ 20/kid; NT$ 40/our guide. Bike rent: about NT$[70-400].) ——————————————— *The activity fees do not depend on us, we just give you an estimation based on their websites.


要取消或重新安排您的預訂,請至少提前24小時與我們聯絡。To cancel or reschedule your booking contact us at least 24 hours in advance.

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